2024 BC Provincial Election Resources |
Advocating for Hospice & Palliative Care in the 2024 BC Provincial Election |
Help us spread the word!As the 2024 BC Election approaches, the British Columbia Hospice Palliative Care Association (BCHPCA) and our members are committed to ensuring that hospice and palliative care receive the attention they deserve on government platforms. To aid in this endeavour, we have prepared a document with key messages designed to raise awareness and educate government officials about the significance of hospice palliative care. These resources highlight the vital impact of our services on the over 120,000 British Columbians who benefit from them each year. We encourage you to share this information with family, friends, healthcare professionals, and government partners. By working together, we can ensure equitable access to hospice palliative care for all who need it, when and where they choose. |
Election day is: | Visit the Elections BC website for more information |
As we approach the upcoming provincial election, it’s crucial to stay informed about the key issues affecting our healthcare and palliative care systems. The BCHPCA 2024 BC Election Key Messaging document provides vital insights into the challenges and necessary improvements in hospice, palliative care, and grief support services in British Columbia. This comprehensive guide highlights the urgent need for policy changes to better serve our aging population and those in need of end-of-life care. We encourage you to download and review this important document to understand the key messaging and advocate for necessary reforms. |
2024 BCHPCA Election GoalThe goal of the BCHPCA 2024 Election strategy is awareness, engagement and political platform recognition.We’ve prepared the following graphic with the three key messages to be emphasized for this year’s election. Please feel free to download and share the graphic on social media. Please link to this resources page: https://bchpca.org/bchpca-2024-bc-election-resources/ |
Join in our social media advocacy!Feel free to use the following taglines and hashtags when posting on social media or speaking with elected officials and candidates. |
Engaging Social Media Taglines
SurveyWe want to hear from you!Attention BC and Yukon residents, please take our quick two-minute survey. |
Day 1Consensus Definition: Bringing awareness of Hospice societies and the care they provide | Day 2Strengthening A Palliative Approach In Long-Term Care |
Day 3Engaging Government Relations Through Community Awareness Events | Day 4Bringing Hospice And Palliative Care In Community; A Provincial Panel Discussion (In-Person and Virtual Event) |