Grief, Bereavement & Mental Health Summit

Fall 2024
British Columbia

Grief and bereavement support is the second largest service category for BC and Yukon hospice societies driven by community need and has been further fueled by the pandemic. Grief is a response to any type of loss in one’s life, and it is experienced by nearly every British Columbian, Yukoner and those across the nation at some point during their lifetime. Our collective experience with COVID-19 and its aftermath has resulted in many losses to individuals, not only through the death of loved ones, but also through isolation, income insecurity, cancellation of milestone celebrations, and a diminished ability to obtain the support and resources previously available before COVID restrictions. We are still facing these challenges in 2024, however, they have been layered with the Human Health Resources crisis, environmental disasters and challenges, an increasing number of deaths and losses related to toxic drug overdoses, an increase in homelessness and financial insecurities as a result of economic disparities, and more.

Join us for the 2nd Grief, Bereavement and Mental Health Summit in the fall of this year in British Columbia. It is intended that we will gather to examine and explore the emergence and transformation of Grief and Bereavement following the pandemic, and as we move into an environment of integration during the continued recovery phase.

As part of this Summit, clinical and interdisciplinary education, idea sharing, and awareness will be provided regarding grief, bereavement, and mental health. The Summit will provide an opportunity for participants to examine evidence-based research, practices, and information in order to better analyze current opportunities to support the mental health of British Columbians and Canadians in the future. The Summit will also act as a modality to educate funding organizations and policymakers about grief, bereavement and consequent mental health issues, the vital support role that hospices play, and the value of integrating grief and bereavement into all recovery strategies in health and community services.

Stay tuned for more information about this year’s GBMH Summit! Join today to become a member and for exclusive member discounts and engage with leading experts at this special in-person North American Summit dedicated to exploring grief, bereavement, and mental health topics all under one roof.