October 2, 4, 6, 2021 – Virtual Event. The BC Hospice Palliative Care Association will be initiating conversations for change around grief and bereavement at its first ever virtual Grief, Bereavement & Mental Health Summit. The Summit will examine the metamorphosis of grief and bereavement as it has transformed with the advent of COVID and as we move into an environment of integration during the recovery phase.
Providing a public platform for interdisciplinary and stakeholder education, idea sharing, and awareness regarding grief, bereavement and mental health in light of COVID-19, the Summit will collaboratively analyze current gaps to better support the future mental health of British Columbians and Canadians.
The Summit will also act as a modality to educate funding organizations and policy makers on grief, bereavement and consequent mental health issues, the vital support role that hospices play, and value of integrating grief and bereavement into COVID recovery strategies.
Those invited to participate in the Summit include grievers and caregivers (public participants), interdisciplinary care teams (health care clinicians and community care supports), funders, policy makers, and senior stakeholders.
Be a part of the collaboration. Together, let’s change how we support grieving and bereaved British Columbians and their future mental health.
Visit www.GBMHSummit.com to learn more about the Grief, Bereavement & Mental Health Summit and register.