BCHPCA Newsletter

November 2018

We are committed to Hospice Palliative Care in BC


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Message from BCHPCA Board President
Donna Flood

The BCHPCA Board of Directors would like wish Lorraine Gerard all the best, as she retired from the position of Executive Director of the organization on October 26th, 2018 to focus on her health and her family.
The BCHPCA Board of Directors is committed to supporting our members as we move the organization forward to meet the goals of our strategic plan.  We are working closely with our partners such as the BC Centre for Palliative Care and the Sovereign Order of Saint John to provide our members with the Advocacy, Support, Education and Public Awareness they have come to value.
he BCHPCA, like many not for profits, has faced periods of financial vulnerability. The BCHPCA Board of Directors is working towards a fund development strategy that will ensure we remain solvent for many years to come.
As we enter into a new era for BCHPCA we are committed to hospice palliative care in BC and providing our members with information, education and opportunities that are relevant to each society's unique needs.

The Board of Directors is committed to recruiting a strong leader to help support us all in the valuable work that we do.

It is that time of year again!

Maintaining your Membership in BCHPCA is extremely important as we work together to advance quality hospice palliative care for all British Columbians.  All BCHPCA Memberships expire on December 31st.  BCHPCA will be sending out renewal notices in December.

 Let us remind you about the benefits of membership in BCHPCA:

  • The opportunity to be a part of the collective voice shaping the future and advancement of hospice palliative care in BC and Canada; 

  • One vote at the BCHPCA Annual General Meeting;

  • Affiliate Status (non-voting) in the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association (CHPCA);

  • Discounts on registration for CHPCA and BCHPCA conferences and/or institutes and on merchandise offered on CHPCA online Marketplace.

  • Regular communication from BCHPCA on issues of interest;

  • Eligibility to apply for annual Sovereign Order of St John grants (limited to organizations with charitable status);

  • Eligibility for the BCHPCA-Westland Group Insurance Program for affordable and customized insurance, see http://bchpca.org/membership/ for details;

  • Eligibility for the BCHPCA-OASSIS Group for affordable, comprehensive employee benefits, see  http://bchpca.org/membership/ for details;

  • Eligibility to enroll in OASSIS' new EAP program for trained hospice volunteers;

  • Access to CHPCA-sponsored interest groups, and

  • CHPCA's AVISO e-newsletter and regular national updates

BCHPCA Conference 2018:
Leadership and Learning

BCHPCA was pleased to once again partner with the BC Center for Palliative Care to offer a stream of sessions specifically targeted to health care professionals. These sessions included topics such as: Sexuality and Intimacy in Life Limiting Illness; Existential Suffering; Pain Management, beyond step 3; Possible use of cannabis for emotional and physical distress and Palliative Sedation. Read more


Canadian Institute for Health Information

The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) is an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides essential information on Canada’s health systems and the health of Canadians. CIHI was created in 1994 to forge a common approach to Canadian health information.
CIHI Vision: Better data. Better decisions. Healthier Canadians.  Read more

A Hospice Story:  When Seasons Change, Grief Shows up (Again)

Submitted by: Denise Torgerson, Prince George Hospice House Grief Support Worker - April 30, 2018

Well it's time for summer! The warmth, the yard work, the gardening, getting the RV ready for camping, all of these activities are reasons for happiness, yes?

I have had numerous conversations with people who have lost a loved one lately and they are telling me that they are having a really hard time right now. That the grief feels more intense.

It is not just husbands and wives. This is showing up with sisters, brothers, friends, moms, dads and roommates.

It is a reality for some, that all of these activities that have been reasons for happiness in the past, are now reasons for mourning.

Yard work, gardening and RV's are usually activities that are shared.  The conversations that happen as you plan the garden, the working together to get the yard work done, and of course the summer camping plans.

And their person is not with them. Planning the garden isn't as much fun without those conversations, doing the yard work is – well – it's harder, or simply doesn't mean as much. And making plans for the summer, getting the RV ready, throws them into the question – "who am I now, without my person?"

I am writing this article for two reasons. The first is for to those who are grieving. I know this doesn't make your experience any easier, but I want you to know that you are not alone. This season change is the most difficult for many people. There is nothing wrong with you. The grief is more present. The absence is felt more now. The frustration and sadness and sometimes anger is almost tangible now. This is a normal experience in grieving. It is intense, it is difficult and it is uncomfortable. Be gentle with yourself. Extreme self-care is necessary.

The second reason I am writing this is to reach out to others who know someone who has lost a loved one. If you could offer some help, or an invitation, or even a phone call. Just be available to your friends in what ever way works for them. What they are going through is real and it is not to be diminished. When people are grieving they tend to keep to themselves, and while sometimes this is necessary, it is good for them to be aware that people have their back. It is good for them to know that there are people who care and who understand.


Government of Canada:
Medical Assistance in Dying Update


Third Interim Report on Medical Assistance in Dying


"Quick facts

The Third Interim Report on Medical Assistance in Dying notes that:

  • The majority of Canadians who received assistance in dying were between 56 and 90 years old. The average age was 73 years old. 
  •  There were more cases of medical assistance in dying in larger urban centres (55.9%) compared to areas with smaller populations (41.6%). 
  • In Canada, the setting for the provision of assisted dying continues to be divided primarily between hospitals (40.5%) and a patient’s home (43.3%), followed by other settings such as long-term care or assisted-living facilities.
  • Medically assisted deaths are administered largely by physicians, with only British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario reporting that nurse practitioners in their jurisdictions have provided this service. Nurse practitioners provided medical assistance in dying in 5% of all cases reported during this period, representing a 45% increase since the last interim report."

For the full report: Click Here

The Conference Board of Canada:
The Value of Volunteering in Canada

Founded in 1916,  the Conference Board is a member-focused think tank that provides trusted insights for what's ahead. Their agenda is simple: to help leaders navigate the biggest issues facing business and better serve society. They believe in innovative approaches that make you think- and act- differently.

They connect senior executives across industries and geographies to share ideas, and create fact-based research and consensus-driven policy statements to help leaders address their most important business issues. They are independent, non-partisan, and non-profit.


Report: The Economic Contribution of Volunteers at a Glance


  • "Even if volunteers are unpaid, their contribution adds to economic activity through the value of services provided.
  • We estimate that volunteers added over two billion hours to Canada’s work effort in 2017.
  • This volunteer contribution is valued at $55.9 billion in 2017 - equivalent to 2.6 per cent of GDP.
  • If volunteering were an industry, it would employ nearly as many people as those currently working in education.

Each day, Canadians in every region of the country contribute both their time and money to help and improve the well-being of their communities. Financial contributions from millions of people across the country benefit important causes, including the successful operation of shelters, service organizations, and food banks. Also, contributions help to ensure that universities, research institutes, and hospitals can make key advances in scientific, medical, and other research areas. But in addition to donations, volunteering provides many important services that affect the lives of Canadians - supporting Canadians in need and contributing to sports, arts, cultural, and environmental causes are just some examples.   

This briefing focuses on the multifaceted benefits to individuals, organisations, communities, and society when Canadians volunteer their time. Services provided by volunteers not only help to strengthen and empower individuals and communities, but also benefit the volunteers and their employers by expanding their experience, skills, and social and business networking opportunities."

For the full report: click here

 If you require additional information about any of these news items, please contact us

  • (604)267 7024
  •  1 (877) 410 6297 
  • office@bchpca.org

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BC Hospice Palliative Care Association

1100-1200 West 73rd Ave.
Vancouver, BC V6P 6G5

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