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Events Calendar

Stay in the know of events, workshops, training and more happening at BCHPCA, your community, and nationwide. 

Event Calendar

    • Wednesday, February 12, 2025
    • 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM
    • Virtually

    Reimagining a Hospice Model of Care 

    Part of our All Together ECHO Series Shifting landscapes in healthcare necessitate shifts in how we think about service delivery. Following the presentation of experiences of moving from a traditional facility-based hospice model to a community services-based model to meet the needs of the community and increase access to services, participants will have opportunity to engage and reflect with learnings.

    Presenters: Kara Lyons-Dietz, Community Health Services and Hospice Manager, Island Health Katie Hennessy, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Palliative & End of Life Care, Island Health.


    • Thursday, February 27, 2025
    • Wednesday, April 23, 2025
    • Virtually

    This series is for anyone interested in increasing their knowledge around grief and bereavement to support themselves personally or in their professional careers.

    • Understanding Grief in Canada: A Canadian Grief Alliance Perspective – Thurs, Feb 27th 12pm-1pm PDT. Presenters: Marney Thompson and Paul Adams. REGISTER. Session poster you can print and share linked here.


    • Walking Through Grief Together: Supporting Family Caregivers Through the Transition to Healing – Wed, March 26th 12pm-1pm PDT. Presenter: Aaron Yukich. REGISTER. Session poster you can print and share linked here.


    • Challenges and Resilience in the 2SLGBTQ+ Community: Exploring Grief and Bereavement Through a Holistic Framework – Wed, April 23rd 12pm-1pm PDT. Presenter: Geoff Straw. REGISTER. Session poster you can print and share linked here.

    • Thursday, February 27, 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

    BC Hospice Palliative Care Association Logo

    Hospice Coordinators Meeting
    February 27, 10-11:30 AM PST

    Please join us for our next Hospice Coordinators meeting. 

    The agenda will be send out prior to the meeting. If you have an agenda item, please email by Feb 20. 

    To add this to your calendar with the Zoom information, please click the calendar link below for Google Calendar. If you use a different calendar, please  click the "Add to my Calendar" button found on our website just above this event information for more options. 

    Add To Google Calendar

    Here is the Zoom Meeting information as well:

    Join Zoom Meeting:

    ‪(CA) +1 587-328-1099‬

    ID: 3900433787

    Passcode: 222557

    • Thursday, February 27, 2025
    • 6:00 PM
    • Thursday, April 03, 2025
    • 7:00 PM

    Feb 27, March 6, March 13, March 20, March 27, April 3

    6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

    To Register, Please email with your first and last name

    Why does the loss of a pet hurt so much?

    Losing a pet is an experience that can pierce the heart, leaving an indelible mark on our souls. For many, our animal companions transcend the role of mere pets; they become cherished family members who fill our lives with companionship, joy, and unconditional love. They structure our days, keep us active and engaged, and help us navigate life's challenges with their unwavering presence. Therefore, when we face the heart-wrenching reality of their passing, it's only natural to be engulfed by waves of grief and loss. This pain can feel all-consuming, stirring up a tumult of emotions that may often feel isolating. While some may not grasp the profound connection we shared with our pets, it's essential to remember that grieving for our beloved animal friends is a natural, valid response—one that deserves to be honored without guilt or shame. Embrace your feelings, knowing that you are not alone in this journey, and allow yourself the space to heal.

    At Surrey Hospice Society, we recognize that the experience of grief is profoundly personal and unique to each individual. The intensity of your grief can be influenced by various factors, including your age, personality, the age of your beloved pet, and the circumstances surrounding their passing. The deeper the bond you shared with your pet, the more acute the emotional pain you may endure. Pets often play multifaceted roles in our lives, serving not just as companions but also as working partners, service animals, or sources of emotional support. The loss of such an integral part of your life can lead to feelings of profound sorrow, especially if your pet was your sole companion or if you were unable to provide them with the care you wished during their illness. It's important to acknowledge that feelings of guilt and sadness are natural responses to such a loss, and at Surrey Hospice Society, we are here to support you through this challenging time.

    While the heartache of losing a beloved pet is a profound and unavoidable experience for any pet owner, it's important to remember that there are nurturing and healthy ways to navigate through this pain. Embracing your emotions and allowing yourself to grieve is a vital step in the healing process. As time gently unfolds, you may find that your heart, once heavy with sorrow, can begin to open again. This journey of healing may even lead you to the joyful possibility of welcoming a new furry friend into your life, a beautiful way to honor the love and memories shared with your previous companion. Remember, every step you take towards healing is a testament to the bond you cherished, and the potential for new connections is always just around the corner. While experiencing loss is an inevitable part of owning a pet, there are healthy ways to cope with the pain, come to terms with your grief, and when the time is right, perhaps even open your heart to another animal companion.

    The grieving process after losing a pet

    Grief is a deeply personal journey that can vary dramatically in duration; for some, it unfolds over mere months, while for others, it may stretch into years. No matter where you find yourself along this path, it’s crucial to practice patience and allow your emotions to flow naturally. Feeling a mix of sadness, shock, or loneliness after the loss of a beloved pet is not only normal but a testament to the love you shared. Remember, expressing these feelings does not reflect weakness or misplaced emotions; rather, it signifies a genuine mourning process. Ignoring your pain or trying to suppress it can lead to prolonged suffering, so it’s essential to confront your grief head-on. Embrace the healing that comes from sharing your feelings—whether through writing or conversing with compassionate listeners who understand your loss. By opening up, you may find that healing comes more swiftly than if you were to bottle up your emotions. In doing so, you not only honor your pet's memory but also foster a deeper connection with your own heart, paving the way for a more hopeful tomorrow.

    Losing a beloved pet can stir a whirlwind of emotions, leaving you feeling sad, shocked, or even lonely—reactions that are entirely normal and a testament to the deep bond you shared. It’s important to recognize that expressing these feelings doesn't signify weakness or misplaced emotions; instead, it highlights the love and connection you had with your furry friend. Embracing your grief rather than suppressing it is a crucial step toward healing. Allowing yourself to feel and articulate your sadness can significantly shorten your journey through grief, as it creates space for understanding and acceptance. Consider journaling your thoughts or engaging in heartfelt conversations with those who empathize with your loss; these acts can provide comfort and connection. Remember, you don’t have to navigate this path alone—reach out to the Surrey Hospice Society, where you can find a compassionate community ready to support you through this difficult time.

    • Tuesday, April 01, 2025
    • Wednesday, April 30, 2025

    Throughout the month of April, the BC Hospice Palliative Care Association (BCHPCA) will be leading the charge in honouring B.C. and Yukon Hospice Societies. 2025 marks the fifth annual Wildflower Bloom Campaign to raise funds for hospice societies while also raising awareness of the many services they offer.

    • Wednesday, April 02, 2025
    • 1:00 PM
    • Zoom

    Knowledge Exchange and Learning Series: Facilitating equitable access to palliative and end-of-life care for underserved populations

    Registration is open for a series of lively knowledge exchange events seeking to explore the connection of palliative care approaches in the health system and community organizations. The sessions are designed to facilitate connection across the whole continuum of care, promote knowledge exchange among attendees, advance the uptake of existing research, and support future research. 

    You’re invited!

    No matter what role you play in a patient’s journey with life-limiting illness, you have valuable information to share, and we want to hear from you. We invite anybody interested in furthering palliative care delivery and research to join this province-wide event, including researchers, healthcare providers, administrators/leaders, community organization staff and volunteers*, patients* and families*, and policymakers.  

    *Some honoraria and expenses are available to patient and community partners overcome any barriers to your attendance. Contact Simon Anderson for more information (

    Join us

    Three 2.5-hour interactive online sessions, addressing the theme Facilitating equitable access to palliative and end-of-life care for underserved populations will be held on Wednesdays, April 2, 9 and 16, 2025, 1:00-3:30 pm.

    Participants can choose to attend all three (recommended), or just one or two based on their schedules. 

    This is an interactive event where we consider everyone an expert - be it with lived, work or other experience. We look forward to having you join us for this engaging learning event on improving access to palliative care in BC!


    This series is hosted by the BC Centre for Palliative Care, on behalf of the BC Palliative Care Research Collaborative, and supported in part by UBC Health through their Health After 2020 program.

    • Wednesday, April 16, 2025

    Advance Care Planning (ACP) is the process of thinking and talking about your wishes, values, and preferences for your future care in the event you are unable to speak for yourself. Decide who would speak for you — choose your Substitute Decision Maker.

    For information on Advance Care Planning:

    • Sunday, April 27, 2025
    • Sunday, May 04, 2025

    During National Volunteer Week, we take the time to thank and celebrate volunteers all across the province of British Columbia, Yukon, and Canada!

    • Saturday, May 10, 2025

    Traditionally held on the first Sunday in Maythe Hike for Hospice Palliative Care primarily follows a walk-a-thon format. However, each community puts their individual spin on the day’s activities!  

    Get involved and support local organizations that provide access to quality hospice palliative care services! 

    Join the conversation on social media:  #Hike4Hospice 

    See Hike for Hospice Palliative Care for more information

    • Thursday, July 24, 2025

    The international self-care day has been running since 2011 on which countries around the world have a chance to promote the importance of a healthy lifestyle as a vital foundation of health.

    For more information see

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About the association

BCHPCA represents its members: individuals and organizations that deliver hospice/palliative care and bereavement services and programs across British Columbia and the Yukon Territory.

Contact us

Main Line: (604) 267-7024
Toll Free: 1-(877) 410-6297

Unit 1100- 1200 West 73rd Ave,
Vancouver, BC, V6P 6G5

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The BC Hospice Palliative Care Association (BCHPCA) recognizes the traditional land of the First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples who have walked before us and minded the lands we now call home for time immemorial. Hospice Societies have been able to support, aid and care for many people on these same lands.

The BCHPCA Offices are located on the ancestral, traditional, and unceded lands of the Coast Salish Peoples, including the territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and TsleilWaututh Nations.

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